Links of the week - February 10, 2020 Edition

Some interesting things to read that I found during the week of February 10th, 2020 …

  • Technology–>Robotics–> Robots at Work and Play

    Great visual pictorial of the wild form factors being used for robotics for all kinds of purposes.

  • Government–>Regulation–> Government minded to appoint Ofcom as online harms regulator

    First of two stories this week concerning Ofcom. Part of a wide trends of governments globally catching up on regulation of the big tech platforms, Ofcom has been granted regulatory authority ‘to enforce rules to make the internet a safer place’.

  • Research–>Reports–> Children and parents: media use and attitudes report 2019

    Second from Ofcom, extensive research and reporting on kid’s use of and attitudes towards media.

  • Places–>Paris–> A Black History Tour of Paris

    This post caught my eye because I stayed on Rue de La Huchette years ago on my first visit to Paris. We went to le Caveau and had a blast listening to live jazz and dancing, so much so I’ve been back on subsequent visits. Great place for a night out if you’re in the city of light.

  • Taleb–> Commencement speech from American University of Beirut

    If you give advice, you need to be exposed to losses from it.’ From 2016 but still germaine.

  • Sport–>Kayaking–> A Kayaker and a 134-Foot Waterfall. What Could Go Wrong?

    Some amazing paddling and great interactive experience from the Times.

  • Work–>Sales –> 101 Examples of Features Versus Benefits

    I had cause this past week to write a bid for work that I’m keen to win. I tried to position our pitch from the customers perspective and lead every response with benefits they would recieve. This article helped give me some ideas on how to frame my responses.

  • Tech–>Home Automation–> Thinking About Smart Home Automation

    I’ve got a keen interest in home automation the potential for using this tech to maximise energy efficiency in the house. I’ve tried to do a lot of low-fi fixes (e.g. new seals around windows & doors) and higher-fi like smart thermostat and led bulbs. Blake Niemyjski takes it the next level. My new hero in the space.

  • Parenting–>Healthy Bodies–> How to Make Kids Comfortable in Their Own Bodies

    I’ve got a three year old daughter and I already worry about this stuff. The constant messaging to kids and especially girls is pernicious and ever prevalent. Here’s some good advice if you have these kinds of issues in your life.

  • Music–> Otha Fish

    Pharcyde, the song I’m listening to as I’m just about to push this commit…

see you again soon!