About me

Hi, I’m Josh. I live in Enfield which is the northernmost borough of London in the United Kingdom. I’m American by birth and raised in the great state of Pennsylvania. I’m a husband, dad to two young kids and a cat. I’ve lived in big cities (London and NYC) for most of my adult life but I love nature and the outdoors as well. I went to the University of Montana for my degree and lived in the northern Rocky Mountains for about five years. In my professional career, I’ve been fortunate to be part of teams that have built, launched and ran lots of big websites over the years. My other interests include (in no particular order and in varying degrees of competence)…

  • 3d printing
  • Allotment gardening
  • Web development
  • Electronics and Raspberry Pi/Arduino tinkering
  • DIY/tools/home improvement
  • Photography (Canon Rebel T1i)
  • Cooking and breadmaking
  • Homebrewing
  • Politics junkie
  • History buff
  • Whitewater boating
  • Cycling
  • Volunteering (Code Club)
  • Link curating and finding great other great curators
  • Video games

This website is mainly a place for me to play around with web technologies, curate links, have something to show in case anyone googles me and post the odd blog post now and then.